I speculate that all the outings of the high profile social and cultural 'cads' exists not only because of their provocative abuses on others, but also because they were obliged to accommodate themselves to a nature other than themselves [which reminds me of this verse from the Bhagavad Gita]
We are held to account by the proscriptions of the legal derivatives of those contemporary biases of morality. Those biases being more the consensus of pretensions of a utopian posturing than the recognition of a natural balance from a sense of equity. Newton's Law, the scientific iteration of an 'Eye for an Eye', is ignored as we ignore our own accountability as exacerbating contributors in a corrupted sensory field of enabled values.
No matter how heinous and out-of-line an act may be, it still has created a field of unleashed mechanics of nature's physics of re-equilibrium on the micro, personal level besides the authorized 'legal venues'. That energy doesn't go away. It's sublimated into socially normative behavior, or-as we now witness-asymmetric, socially dysfunctional behavior. The 'social'-part is the artificial fabrication, facing the pressures of an aggregate of behavioral energies, animate and 'inanimate' (geo-atmospheric) that are pushing back against the further extension and repression of these unnatural, behavioral paradigms.
This is occurring because most societies are sterile agenda systems that exclude and repress the vagaries of human emotion. Those 'vagaries', as disorderly as they can be, are also the deconstructing and fertilizing aspects that initiate innovations and improvisations. Societies attempts to ameliorate, moderate, or minimize the worst of the by-products of emotional vagaries has committed a circumscribing circumcision. That "circumcision" manifests its incision on the human psyche much as a tightly tailored piece of clothing would be that fits but restricts movement. That 'restricted movement' is intentional for its limiting effects on the toxic extremes of human expression. The undefined raw energy that's not sublimated into the social conventions remains an active dynamic on the psyche's zeitgeist.
The psychoses and neuroses that are clinically defined and treatable aren't inclusive of the entire spectrum of forms the psyche will devise to have its consummating satiation despite the external and alien, social proscriptions. It shows itself subtly, yet tellingly to the trained eye. Speaking of the eyes. The look in a normal person's eyes signals whether they are in emotional conformity to the secular social behavioral paradigms or whether they have a contrarian, anti-social, iconoclastic sense about themselves. Peggy Lee, Dinah Washington, and other sultry songstresses' lyrics are exclamatory examples of this divergence from the homogenized, restricting secular decorum of our pedestrian behavior. Their verbalizations don't have to be spoken as these sirens so well sing. They can be discerned in the body and facial gestures.
Women know this well by looks and demeanor of men: from the 'nice guy' to the 'womanizer'. It shows.
Complications of interpretations arise from a culture's aesthetic latitude of indulgence given for the enjoyable and tolerated affects of projected appearance in this mostly non fight-or-flight cultural construct. What had been a valid triggering mechanism for hundreds of millennia is now a brutish, social anachronism, but sublimated into less offensive visual memes that trigger the SAME instinctual urges for women, as well as quite profoundly with men.
It's at this point that the pluralistic streams of thought and ways of behavior have both their socioeconomic and social problematic intersections. The problems are for the entire social and class spectrum of learned privileges and entitlements.
[An OP's Side Note: I see the "privileges and entitlements" as the particular superfluous, appendage-functions of a materialistic/material trappings of contemporary cultures. They are NOT the inevitable and immutable specie consequence, but a cultural mindset-consequence, by-product of a particular social organization.]
Those of more reactionary, instinctual behaviors, plus those who perceive the opportunistic exploitation of those now subconsciously manifested sublimated behaviors do so: the instinctually motivated do so from their environment's predominant contemporary demands for 'act first', while the perceptually opportunistic see it more as an elective mental tool for those exploitatively defined contingencies.
The victims of those abuses have been ill-served by indulgent cultural narrative that promote a freedom of choice that exist for the few with the means to insure an impunity for their choices of action; not the reliance on any societal safety and enforcement operatives and mechanisms as guarantors of their abstractly-held freedoms and liberties. Being ill-served by the societal pretenses of a ubiquitous 'God-given right' for having a personal expression, the victims of abuse exist in the deluded indulgence of covered by a protective societal license. They exist in this partially insulated (for mostly the privileged of impunity) bubble thinking and believing that their exhibitions and expressions of and for themselves has a ubiquitous acceptance of guarantee by all.
As has been noted on the personal, societal, and geo-political venues, it does not.
The cloak of delusional freedom's might as well be the equivalent of 'See no evil. Hear no evil. Speak no evil" for the over-trusting lay-citizenry of "entitled rights". The performative exhibition of projecting signals ventures forth into the cognitive no-man's land of interpretive ambiguity and selective values of enforcement. Yet, the costume balls in the venues of contemporary indulgence continue inside their bubble of enablement.
The tragedy is more than the abuses and victimizations, it's the 'PollyAnnish', 'Looking Glass' mindset which feed the fake realities for the even greater more complicit outrage that further coheres the fallacy of behavioral prerogative into the herd of delusion.
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