Friday, January 29, 2021

Next time on Youtube...


Next time on Youtube... < Forum_Crasher >

Just imagine if the carnal state WAS MEANT to be primarily a logistic hoarding module for our non-conscious/somnolent state. the whole dynamic purpose of our kinetic dynamics would be based on different terms.

I just thought of exploiters of supplies that would  generate other somnolent experiences. But for those "..who've got their own..", the unfettered, minimized noise in their cognitive sensory field would allow the awareness of things that led to rabbit-holes of revelatory serendipities.

My Maternal granny's and  my Mom's clairvoyance was mythical, and my occasional prescience would have been more pronounced and for me not as latent after thoughts, if not for the temporal eco-noise.

I had a 'dream for the record' back 38-39 years ago that was symbolically prophetic of my emotional/intellectual journey to the point where I'm physically and emotionally at! The details of the dream are less important and apocryphal to the mechanics that brought the dream to my consciousness. Those are the same mechanics I attribute to the serendipities and related synchronicities that have been concurrent with my expansion from the profane temporal/secular to this existential transcendence.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

'Word Salad'-Painting a meaning with words


Word Salad
'Painting with Words"

Tho' accused of posting "word salads", I realized that those were ad hominems'intuitively conceived on a subconscious level perceived what they misperceived on a conscious cognitive level: that I was drawing and painting a rhetorical/verbal image



My "word salads" provided visual descriptions that were involuntarily envisioned by the readers' "intellect",which were overwhelmed by the content of the visualized form-the limitation of analogical alpha-numeric symbols as non-visual meanings.


Metaphoric verbal catalysts give the reader a virtual sensory experience of the thought,other than the more stereotypical and categorical, 2nd/3rd person detachment from the topical subject.


Having the '1st person sensing' of the subject as more than an empiric abstraction and closer to a tangible entity as a holographic enhancement of the depth to the context of 'the matter'-an intuitive digital comprehension.


Your $2.25 donations for the purchase of a supplemental slide show would be an appreciation

and graciously accepted at this link



Saturday, January 9, 2021

OlDoggers Fractured Fairy Tales


Supplementary video:!Aik6CvaAE1b8jmNrBWRTi


OlDoggers Fractured Fairy Tales

Fractured Fairy Tales


In a place a few area codes away, there lived 

a misanthropic Old Dog   

 who had come to a monastic realization,

“People ARE Overrated!”

From his more gregarious pup-youth of innocent naivete 

for  a humanistic expectation of personal friendship, 

if not collegial partnership, to this present existence 

of a Jeremiahic version of the cynic, 

Diogenes of Sinope.

Where he asked, as was Michael Corleone depicted 

at the end of Godfather-II,


‘Where did it ALL go so wrong, so badly?’;

with my hopes, with the people and the times??

‘‘The Dream for “The Record” foretold it all


That de facto and incidental disaffection 

and estrangement of nearly 40 years ago seem 

synchronistically prescient as the guiding 

‘rods and staff’ which led me through these valleys 

of ethical, if not spiritual death; through the 

topography of the status and authority of those 

on high, but very much so with those in the 

pedestrian crab baskets at the daily 

ground-zero of mundanity.


Was my present status something other than  

a random anecdotal result of ultimately favorable 

choices, OR was I like the sword, ‘Excalibur’, 

forged through the fires of production from the 

raw gregariousness of impish-joy for "the joys" 

of my dangerously smug contentment of being a 

Jerimaihic Diogenes. 

Is this forging a parable and allegory of 

warning-challenge-’cautionary tale’ for me who’s 

lived to tell this or for those who’ve been 

conditioned to the consciousness  of the 

phenomenology of convenience-’What is good is 

that which doesn’t bother my contentment.’


Your donations of appreciation are graciously accepted
at this link 


Tuesday, January 5, 2021

============’A Two-fer!’================​



============’A Two-fer!’================

Extending Einstein's spooky action

for use in quantum networks

by Lea Kivivali, Swinburn


Me: EPR was an attempt to explain the 'QM' 

phenomena of simultaneity of the same event 

in two different-remote locations.

My observation: 

The reason for those identical events at those 

separate locations is their manifestations of an 

enveloping wavelength that has an 

indefinite-to-infinite length.

Btw, this provides an explanation for discontinuity 

and non-sequitur phenomenas that manifest 

themselves as paranormal serendipities of all 

sorts. (As well as a few of my own life events!)  


Those discontinuities of serendipity for me came 

as fortuitous non-expectational visitations of 

fortuity.. I had no prayers, hopes, or intentions 

for those events to happen, 

but happen they did! [sic]. Those events at least 

hint if not strongly imply that there is an 

underlying force, whose energy tolerates our 

temporal mundanities. When certain exigencies 

occur, that force is trip-wired into action to 

rectify the deviances from its intended design 

for that energy form’s projected, prospective 

expression. For ‘conscious’ sentients, such as I, 

these rectifications supplement our consciousness 

database conceptions of the intricacies  of 

dimensions associated with our existence.

[A related topic on the casting in our dreams is 

a forthcoming sequitur to this topic.]


My conspiratorial take on the 'Nashville Bomber'


Responding to: A white guy blew up an entire city 

block last  week and took a major city off the grid 

and the news talked about it once like a special 

interest story.


"That WHITE GUY could very likely be not only the 

executed patsy-fall guy of a quite heinous criminal 

enterprise , but the patsy for a narrative by the 

authorities and media to not further PTSD-fy the 

already Covid-whipped public". 

Similar to other rumors, hearsay, and conspiracies, 

like ‘Area 51’, ‘Other shooters in the JFK assassination’, 

‘9/11-truther scenarios’; this event could very well be 

another paternalistic ‘doing it for the good of public 

order’ to avoid a feared highly disruptive public 


Thus another cover-up of a presumed prerogative of 

entitlement by the ruling establishment for control 

of the public’s knowledge of the existential global 

narrative of their status and function within  ‘the 

matrix’ of their social order.



Tiger-Year Virgo (8/24) Thorsday Jupiter-Mercury-Mars 

Rising Birth

That is what this LIFE IS AN AUDITION is all about, 

a casting

Any impulses or compulsions for appreciation will be warmly 

received for future 'updates of inspiration'