Saturday, February 2, 2019

Lexicons of Metaphoric Transcendence

Lexicons of Metaphoric Transcendence
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Destiny offers us its paths, sometimes more obligingly and involuntarily, for our present-future roles. A ‘Present-to-Future’ as those circumstances for which no easy return to the old ways will be facilitated to you after you have chosen this rabbit-hole of possibility.

Those present-to-future roles will be formed by the lexicon you adopt to define how you will have your interpreted definition of your perception. It will be a fabrication from the deconstruction of your default carnal culture’s lexicon to what you have discerned as the more sublime and profound component threads of your circumstances.I state this based on my own life path which had crucial and profound events that re-arranged, even took away, the deck-chairs of my vessel’s operational code and placed me in a position in which I had to forge my own codes that would allow me to operate with some coherent purpose.

It could be asked, “Why beyond some reductive adaptation to the given social circumstances and paradigm’s would I need to think about a special “coherent purpose”. I’d answer that my own past experiences left me with the impression that the gains and rewards offered within the social structure were more shallow and ephemeral for my psyche than they were promoted to be for my prospective motivational aspirations within the given social structure of my locale.

My “coherent purpose” was based on the relative meaningfulness of certain ideas and techniques of action, which were well suited to my temperament and skills of that moment in time. My unique life background had a sequence of events, which individually happen to most of us; but their uniques sequential chronology with me gave and left me with options that were not as commonly ubiquitous in their actuarial probability for other contemporaries of mine. This contrasting distinction from what was anticipated and expected to be a more conventional choice of options, made it necessary for me to ask “Why?” than just give-in to the effects of the immediate, sometimes adverse, circumstance.In asking “Why?!” I moved from self-pity to doing the best practically feasible choice in what could be an adverse situation. Knowing that the particular choice wasn’t congruent with the aspirations I had for the moment, that helped to facilitate a rationale whose logic and the linguistics of that logic developed patterns of words which became code-signals of parameters for me.

“IN THE BEGINNING..” those coded-signals were a privately held, internal thought database. As experience and time added to the aggregate of this database of code-signals, they, much like molecules that form the enzymes, that form the proteins of the tissues, organs, and organ systems of the body, became a flow-of-consciousness of a body of fluidity in an alternative narrative that challenged the credence and relevantness of the social default narrative. At that point, I felt compelled to a conscious choice of actions that exhibited that preference. In the exhibition of that preference I began the metaphoric (maybe even meta-metamorphic) transcendence from the thinking and the ways of my default birth linguistic media culture to the forms in this, my petri-dish of linguistic culture.

With that changing attitude, what was an implicit marginally default distinction with my birth culture’s media, became more distinctively explicit, and that precipitated challenges (more for) me and the former default culture’s members. The reason for the more challenging propositions between me and the birth culture, was that what I had presumed for myself was, at best an indirect questioning and subverting of what had been consensus presumptions of thoughts and their myriad, derived expressions. Being more conscious of this due to the institutional mores and traditions that had developed in the birth culture, which predominated the physical and rhetorical narrative of my social and cultural environs, I was tip-toeing in deference to those institutional mores, since I was a servicer for the operations and mission of whatever institution I was associated. As time passed, the chafing constraints of the mores and individual, enabling idiosyncrasies of the institution became more of an exoskeleton or epidermis I needed to moult out from under, if I was to have any coherence, let alone operational adherence to what I recognized as the more aspirational qualities of my own coded signals-my logos.

The need to be out-from-under this burdensome psychological epidermis or exoskeleton begged the question of the extent of my relations to the forms; represented by people, vocations, and paradigms, many of whom and of which were legacy appendages of my past. This forced me to begin the pruning purge within my own habits so to give myself the cognitive space and leverage from the default birth media’s people, vocations, and paradigms. Having been indoctrinated and trained in being of service rather than self-aggrandizing compounded the ways and the means of my attempts to prune and purge my own activities to my now former linguistic medium-culture.

The passage of time’s multitude of experiences, through which I had to live, provided the retrospective and prospective insights gained methodically in irregularly sequenced trials and opportunities. My growing awareness for the need for a more transformative conscious ability were matched by the impatience of knowing I did not have the knowledge for the transformative tools for those aspirations. At the same time I realized my circumstances were iconoclastic enough from the conventions of thought and actions of my contemporaries, that some form of cognitive accessibility had gotten me to this point and from which others would not have any clue of access during their lifetime. The same could be said about me to those even rarer few who were figurative light years advanced in their awareness to which I aspired.

Could the difference be attributed solely to mundane factors of training and the disciplines of focus from the training? Or WAS there the factor of an embedded code in our genes from either the random placement in our gestative genetics, OR from the incarnations of the psyches of my (our) past?

I am more biased to believe in the possibility of having an intervening incarnational past that had me at a stage of cognitive awareness, so that my present incarnation only had to rediscover the triggering code words, symbols, phrases, or  meanings to be a facilitating boost for my ‘insights’. It seems more logically plausible than me being the improbablistic beneficiary of a fortuitous biochemical, random happenstance.

Thus, our existence in this realm could be in a spectrum of possibilities that would include existing, primarily, as the carnally-based logistics operative, than to the metaphorical (or meta-metamorphic) extension of our carnal base. The former carnally-based logistic existence would be what the reductionists and objectivists would see as the tangible ‘here-and-now’. In that here-n-now the lexicon would be oriented to the concepts of all that is tangibly empirical or provable within the carnal realms of presumptions and assumptions. The latter, metaphorical/meta-metamorphical would be the product of those predetermined (thus predestined?) concepts for exposure to the abstractions which would allow a perception and application of those perceptions in transcarnal, metaphoric terms used mundanely by reductionist and objectivist in purely literal references.

The social consequences would be levels of consciousness precipitated by the oriented, beckoning focus on the symbols and meaning of the lexicon of the chosen state of purpose and comfort. Those more closely associated with the logistics for their physiological genetic profile-for the reduction/objectivist orientation, would have a lexicon that would facilitate the acquisitional  operations for those logistics. Those with a resonant affinity to the abstract extrapolations from their logistical operations would see the process of the operations rather than the possessed rewards of those operations as the portals to thought connections of an expanded matrix to their own dimensional potential beyond the tangible and intangible logistics of the rat-race of their carnality.

In conclusion, it’s not about this lifetime. Carnal existence is the base camp to learn the forms from which metaphorical extrapolations to other trans-carnal operations may be conceived and comprehended.

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