Monday, February 4, 2019

Dream! As the alternative to saying "Fuck it!"


Fuck it!

I’ll be damned!!

(something other than)


“It doesn’t really matter any how..”, as Beard walked up the path leading to the street where the city park was.  Beard was holding back the tears welling in his eyes, as thought of those lyrics and melody by CHICAGO.. Mental fatigue and frustration was building up and begging the question in his head, “Was it all a futile and vain effort?”.

How many months? How many years had he  been doing this with no significant and consistent affirmation in feedback?

Beard thought to himself, while grinding his teeth against each other in a grimace, “Noone is interested in what I’m talking about, besides the shallow and casual, “Oh..that’s interesting..”: that glazed eye look of desiring to be elsewhere than talking about this with him.

“They’re busy with the everyday trends and ritual of the ‘rat-race’. their minds are so preoccupied with the clutter of distractions there’s no room for any other reflection, unless it comes in their dreams-if they DO dream”. It was a spoon fed and programmed thought-caste for their parts as the props of someone else’s agenda for which they were the expendable and fungible hirelings.

Coming to a tree by the shallow banks of a stream,  Beard leaned against it to take in the patch of bare-leaved trees in the woods across the way and hear the gurgling sound of the clear water flowing past, shimmering in the shadows and the sunlight.  He could hear the passing of people: those by themselves out for their exercise and listening to music on their headphones or earbuds, or mothers pushing their infant’s carriage as they sought to lose the unflattering weight thickening their waist, hips, butt and thighs. The mostly indistinguishable sounds of conversations on their phones with vendors or about the latest hearsay and gossip on celebrities, or even more banally-people they knew. They dealing with all of that made what Beard was thinking or had to say an abstract irrelevancy.


“Perhaps..”,  Beard thought, “’s meant just for my edification, my individualized code of meanings?” That was a recurring reminder to Beard  that with each and for each entity there’s a specific coded logic path derived from the coherence of those relevant, present signals to those picked up in one’s past sensory field, making them thought guides for the logic path.


“That right, Beard.”, a voice came into his head. “We’ve been a channel on your subconscious’ reception band-width for decades now. You’ve known about us, though misguidedly have attributed our source to other entity forms than to “Us”. We are the logic’s interlocutor for this channel, and we are the logos-mantra, which informs you from your subconscious. When you are less temporally distracted, you sense us as intuitions. We are linguistic interpretations of what you’ve consciously sensed and alerted subconsciously by those conscious triggers of resonance.”

Beard ‘thought-back’ to them, “Ohhhhh.. You are that metaphysical, non-secular side that gives analyses and evaluations for what I could or should do kinetically, right?”

“In ways, that is so. Your focus is the predicate for the datas’ intake, which we associate and collate for the logic you use for your mundane, daily, physical organizational navigations. Our info that you receive is relevant, specifically to you and only in specific, coincidental instances for others.” ‘They’ continued saying, “You have come to the realization that your being and other beings is more than consumeristic indulgents. You are logistic management and processing centers for the mind of your brain, so it can get and have insights beyond the sensory reach of your anatomical vessel.”

“What you provide for your mind as its logistic supplier enables it to realize the different dimensions available for it to see as credible forms for experience, thus self-learning.”  ‘It’ continuing, “Your dreams are the most explicit example of the functions your body supports by its cognizance of the extrapolated uses that different form can provide on different levels of meaning and those meanings manifestations.”

“Yeah...What I dream about affects me in that way!”, Beard interjected.


“As the primary logistic center base for your mind, the more efficient service you provide for its functioning is correlated to your figuratively and literally streamlining your own choice of options to those for your maintaining and sustaining the operations of the mind.”


“It is in the dream mode that the mind refertilizes the conscious logic with new intangibles of perspectives of possibilities. It is the conduit-muse for your thoughts and insights. They give you that perspective that has become such an obsessive imperative to embrace and channel that information for a wider receptivity. It, ‘the dream’ is more than what some people would call a NIGHT TIME FANTASY OF ESCAPE. The dream, as narrated above by your sibling extension, is giving you the affirmation that your existence is more than its anatomical senses boundaries of your awakened self, but your dreams are the portals to the dimensions of your consciousness!”


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