Thursday, October 7, 2021




'Testaments of a social 'blacksheep' and  cultural heretic'


Who knows or who could say that the origins of the New Testament weren't from some  obscure scribe out in the 1st century wilderness of some Gnostic or Essene congregation? Those written words by that scribe developed a cult following. As the aspirational trends in that part of the Roman Empire came to adopt the thoughts and concepts of that scribe's writings, a more ambitious and enterprising group seized upon those thoughts and concepts popular appeal and decided to format those writings for mass dissemination. They provided a narrative which others would accept within the mass cultural traditions, knowing that the scribe's writings-on their merit-were so enlightening that they'd be 'the light' that the herd sheople would "follow anywhere".

That is what I'm seeking from you, dear literary agent. If the following texts on an alternative way of thinking and acting strikes you as a marketable commodity, then You would know best to which publishers to go to give this piece a platform for its best chance of mass dissemination. 

Merlin Henry Harper, Jr

203 E Howard St.

Hampton, VA 23663




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