============’A Two-fer!’================
Extending Einstein's spooky action
for use in quantum networks
by Lea Kivivali, Swinburn

Me: EPR was an attempt to explain the 'QM'
phenomena of simultaneity of the same event
in two different-remote locations.
My observation:
The reason for those identical events at those
separate locations is their manifestations of an
enveloping wavelength that has an
indefinite-to-infinite length.
Btw, this provides an explanation for discontinuity
and non-sequitur phenomenas that manifest
themselves as paranormal serendipities of all
sorts. (As well as a few of my own life events!)
Those discontinuities of serendipity for me came
as fortuitous non-expectational visitations of
fortuity.. I had no prayers, hopes, or intentions
for those events to happen,
but happen they did! [sic]. Those events at least
hint if not strongly imply that there is an
underlying force, whose energy tolerates our
temporal mundanities. When certain exigencies
occur, that force is trip-wired into action to
rectify the deviances from its intended design
for that energy form’s projected, prospective
expression. For ‘conscious’ sentients, such as I,
these rectifications supplement our consciousness
database conceptions of the intricacies of
dimensions associated with our existence.
[A related topic on the casting in our dreams is
a forthcoming sequitur to this topic.]
My conspiratorial take on the 'Nashville Bomber'

Responding to: A white guy blew up an entire city
block last week and took a major city off the grid
and the news talked about it once like a special
interest story.
"That WHITE GUY could very likely be not only the
executed patsy-fall guy of a quite heinous criminal
enterprise , but the patsy for a narrative by the
authorities and media to not further PTSD-fy the
already Covid-whipped public".
Similar to other rumors, hearsay, and conspiracies,
like ‘Area 51’, ‘Other shooters in the JFK assassination’,
‘9/11-truther scenarios’; this event could very well be
another paternalistic ‘doing it for the good of public
order’ to avoid a feared highly disruptive public
Thus another cover-up of a presumed prerogative of
entitlement by the ruling establishment for control
of the public’s knowledge of the existential global
narrative of their status and function within ‘the
matrix’ of their social order.
Tiger-Year Virgo (8/24) Thorsday Jupiter-Mercury-Mars
Rising Birth
That is what this LIFE IS AN AUDITION is all about,
a casting
Any impulses or compulsions for appreciation will be warmly
received for future 'updates of inspiration'