Thursday, June 25, 2020

It is in our essence

He looked at her in impatient wonderment, saying “If you knew of the self-degradation and the degeneration of you’re doing in this cheapening prostitution of your faculties for this whoring grasp of the present(-in my presence!…} Yhat which you grasp will be consumed and forgotten before the first rays of the morning’s lights reach the edge of the horizon..

Shaking his head in frustrated remorse for this state which this girl in a woman’s frame was consigning herself and all who’d bear their learning from the example of her actions, let alone her vain words of self-flattery on those things she held as her identification of worth.

There were more important things to consider and greater obstacles and threats to meet than her trifling silliness. He could sense the presence of that threat approaching as it was becoming more proximate to his location. He would have to prepare himself for that approaching eventuality.

Returning to his encampment in the forest canopy, where he stopped to hear and listen to the thoughts whispering. Those whispers reminded him of his duty and obligation to the energy of the forces that are the counter-expression to the prostituting solicitation he’d just encountered in the village.

“Go forth with what you may.. Be the expression of this extension. They don’t know the power of a ‘WORD’.”

Being the ‘be-ing’ of the symbolic circumstances of time: Samuel, the deacon, maternal grandfather; Carrie the clairvoyant [Carrie means: Melody; Song; Form of Carol} as a maternal grandmother, Parthenia Mary (from Parthenogenesis (/ˌpɑːrθɪnoʊˈdʒɛnɪsɪs, -θɪnə-/;[1][2] from the Greek παρθένος, parthenos, 'virgin' + γένεσις, genesis, 'creation'[3]) is a natural form of asexual reproduction in which growth and development of embryos occur without fertilization by sperm. In animals, parthenogenesis means development of an embryo from an unfertilized egg cell. In plants parthenogenesis is a component process of apomixis. ) as my mother. and Merlin as my father, who was born during the legendary ‘first new Moon of Virgo: The new moon rise in Virgo. In astrology, the new moon is a time for introspection and reflection as we celebrate a new beginning. This month, we can expect to experience Virgo’s influence as we observe the new moon. As you may know, Virgo is associated with organization, idealism, and healing.-also regarded in legend as the birth time of the legendary Seer’

Thus, I, the progeny of these symbolic meanings has had a parallel imperative besides the temporal roles and obligations of my carnal incidentals. I have become the unsolicited, yet chosen, portal for the articulation and expression of the spiritual ethos of the nomenclature associated with the existence of my heritage. Is it the advent of the random confluences of the alchemy of time   {“Those of us who quest for truth through the alchemy of time and consciousness, are the modern-day alchemists. They seek truth and ancient wisdom brought forth in today's reality through the language of symbols to come manifest into conscious thought. We are going through the alchemy of time and consciousness as we return to our natural state of light. We are currently going through a merge on many levels of body, mind and soul. This is linked to the ancient teachings of alchemy as a transformation from one reality to another where one finds 'eternal life'. The Alchemist is the Wizard (Merlin?)- He who helps us transform.”} that has conjured this circumstance? In the logic of natural selection in diversity, that would seem to be more likely. Even with the improbable meeting of Parthenia Mary and Merlin, there has been triggered a chemistry whose precipitates imply a force of energy that has no allegiance to the temporal order, and would seem to be the upending vanguard and herald for an age that is coming to its gestational completion for its articulation of the dimensions of its matrix. (As was noted by ‘of all people’, my physics teacher saying, “Merlin, wherever you are: chaos reigns!”). 

Yes. The present order does not have any emotional investments of loyalty or devotion from me. I am the lever with a serendipitously appearing fulcrum that is seeking to overthrow the intangible trappings of this order. For that ends I have the power energy from the present and the past of my birthdate-August 24th-as well as the correlations derived from those different aspects, which are cognizant to my awareness to send forth the waves of deconstruction to others awareness.

I only need to focus on the maintenance of this vessel’s mechanics, plus not be drawn to rabbit-holes of distraction from this identity and its inherent mission, per its given progenic name. My mission is to be the fulfillment of the implications of the memes’ spirit-intent. It is a phenomenological, on-going revelation of the emergent, enduring qualities that  exist in the domain of active grace and proactive blessings of altruistic efforts.

Though wickedness and its parent, ‘Evil’, are all about, they are irrelevant to that which can be done with the grace that is equipoise in the implicit duty of the moment. In doing so, we are congruent with the coherent purpose of grace. For this, We are the inseminators and pollinators for Nature’s coitus in the space of time, being the benefactor womb for the gestating of figurative and literal renaissances and new births, respectively. We give ‘magic’ to the moment which would otherwise lack that which would be seen and known as a blessing.

Ye have squandered the blessing of your physical and metaphysical being in the over-pursuit of things beyond your needs for sustenance and survival. Equal to and more than my pursuits with words in this and other treatises, your fetish-sized obsessions of kinetic-focused pursuits dis-invests the power of your visceral feelings for the illusions of the superfluous trappings of so-called accomplishments.

What you can bear and endure as you perform the needed will be a starter for serendipitous atmospherics that will ‘move mountains’ for you. That is the essence of your being that does transcend the carrier-shell that you’ve over-valued past its mechanical fitness as your cherished personality. What and where you place your energy: the more abstract and intangible the more energy and its power will be felt and radiated by you.. The radiation’s strength is in direct correlation or inversely to the degree you focus on your physical trappings.

Theoretically, the degree that you move your focus from the physical being to its metaphysical presence, the closer you become to that affecting force of nature.. Being that chain reaction of causation; that anonymous, unknown actor of events-even to yourself is your identity.


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