Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Woodstock-Boomer Generation

Woodstock-Boomer Generation
December 14, 2018
Woodstock-Boomer Generation
Audio version

I'm taking a re-evaluation of what it is to be a part of this generation, which 
in the 60’s  was known for Haight-Ashbury, 1967 Monterey Pop-Festival, 
the 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention scene, and Woodstock, now we are 
more identified with jaded and corrupt politicians, a few outstanding public 
servants, and MAGA-supporters.

Just taking the 400-500,00 who were at Woodstock, ya think that it would be 
representative and not an anomaly of our generation. Having known a few and 
their attitudes, being at Woodstock was as much a self-indulgence of ‘Me-ism’, 
as it was about being a part of a happening.

One could easily say that being part of the Tea Party or MAGA movements of the 
Right or the Anti-Fa or #MeToo movements of the Left are as much about the same 
kind of self-righteous indulgence, as being part of the scenes of the ‘60’s were. 
Though the Antifa or #MeToo movements demographics may be 20 or so years 
younger, than those of the Tea Party or MAGA movements, one could draw a 
rhetorical, if not genealogical, connection to the protest and cultural movements 
of the 60’s.

The idealism, granted with much naivete, I heldfor the cultural aspects of Woodstock 
and theChicago Convention protests is more tempered now inmy thinking that it 
exists in a few high-profile individuals and, possibly, more anonymous, locally 
isolated congregants, than the ubiquitous mind-set I thought would be an inevitable 

I should’ve known better from the obviousmanifestations I dismissed as Ivy League
characteristics of regressive revisionism of whatI held as the ideals. But, from what 
I observedas the motivation and barely concealed intentions of the undergrads who 
matriculated to my college after me; the returning Vietnam ‘short-timers’ at my first 
military bases in the 1972-75 period; the general, civilian, pedestrian mode of behavior 
were at best no better than the lip-service I’d see and hear from ‘Sunday-church service
 Christians’-spectacle and catharsis indulgents. And wouldn’t that be the more 
expected result, since the former were just cultural extensions of the latter ‘being 
at a church-service on Sunday’ crowd? At best,there was always a superficial posturing, 
but for a substantive ends that had nothing to do with my take-away interpretation 
of how I idealistically (and impractically) viewed and experienced the late ‘60’s 
and early ‘70’s.

I’m confessing to myself that ‘the Clintons’, George ‘W’ & Jeb Bush, and 
the sexagenarians and septuagenarians of 45-50 years later ARE the latter-day 
reflection of the self-centered and self-serving opportunists we were in the same 
way in our secular, self-righteousness, when not near the levers of power in the 

Lol no shit.

Your generation is the one who started the whole rebelling against responsibility 
thing that still affects our society to this day.There were real issues in the 
background of course, and I don't fault the first massively suburbanized generation 
for being a bit self-centered. But still.    

The boomer generation was protesting against authority, not responsibility.

See, the boomers saw a bunch of moldy old white men trying to tell everyone 
what to do, when to do it, and how to do it, and starting a bunch of shit in places 
we gave not a fuck about, and decided it would be appropriate to raise some hell 
about it.

The drug thing was a whole separate issue.                    

You both have a point.
What was done came from an over-privileged cultural milieu, who saw themselves 
with the same (faulty) prerogatives as their post-WWII generations. Now 
in retrospect, even I, who considered myself one of the more benign nano-phenomena 
of the generation take account that we bore and were conduits, also, for the sins 
of our predecessors                    
Digging into the Boomer generation a little deeper I learned that I am a member 
of the “Silent Generation”. Why did I never know that, no one ever called me silent.
Pre-1950's (mid-30's or early 40's brat)?    
Had cousins born from '33-to'44.. They did what they could with what the social 
structure enabled them to aspire for themselves                    
I doubt many who identified with the counter culture and the anti war movement 
later on became Tea Baggers. Nevertheless, when the U.S. economy became more 
competitive with the recession of 1974 they became more intent on learning a living. 
When Nixon ended the draft in 1973 fewer people showed up for a peace 
demonstration. Anti war activists usually moved to the center after the War in 
Vietnam. Few of them crossed the center.                    

Poor dog.
Those long haired dope smoking hippies had their adventures, got laid a lot, did a 
lot of drugs, and then decided they wanted the American dream their parents wanted 
for them, so they cut their hair, lost the tye dye clothes, sold their van and got jobs. 
And 10 years later they discovered that not only did they like it, they wanted it for 
their own kids.

Which is when most of them quit trying to destroy the system and started working 
within it                    

Leaving politics out of it I will just say, wth no Jimi Hendrix guitar solo's lol?

God that would have been something to be around back then.

You both have a point.
What was done came from an over-privileged cultural milieu, who saw themselves 
with the same (faulty) prerogatives as their post-WWII generations. Now 
in retrospect, even I, who considered myself one of the more benign 
nano-phenomena of the generation take account that we bore and were conduits, 
also, for the sins of our predecessors    
Don't beat yourself up over it, you may well have been predestined to steer 
in that direction considering the fucked up way of thinking from the parents in 
the 50's that bred the rebellious ways of the "make love not war" generation.

I was too shallow a "FIX IT OR FORGET IT'er"-of society and what turned 
out to be an evolving of myself EMOTIONALLY, as well as data experienced.. 
I did my 23 years of military service with two or three breaks; the last 11 years 
being on active reserves. I was in the Draft Lottery w/the low-ball #36. Many to 
most of my peers had high draft numbers, plus post graduate plans as their 
continuing shelter. During the mid-70's to '80s, the effects of the oil embargo, 
and the beginning of economic competition from Europe and Asia, did put a 
stranglehold on the leverage of union and non-union workers, plus the beginning 
of the 'Big Box' employers. I was affected enough to work as an underwriter for 
two insurance companies to get-by.. I became jaded enough that I needed some 
'Revelatory' dreams to begin to put me back on the path from which I had become 
a slacker. I was a cultural maverick enough to not easily fall into any of the cultural 
or social grouping that would morph along the spectrum. Being on active duty for 
most of the 80's until the early '90's (as a medical specialist) had me politically 
neutralized and w/higher rank had me focusing on my subordinates and later 
my surgical clinic clientele's needs. When in '92 I had a gift TDY that sent me 
across the country to San Bernadino County and Moreno Valley, I had my first 
exposure to the morphed civilian economy since '81. I observed the way folks 
were hustling to get and stay ahead. I was in a mixed anglo-hispanic area, so 
the cultural resentments weren't as obvious.

Later, in the early 'oo's in Nebraska, I saw the 'Lee Greenwood Americana' ethos 
in full blooming flower -until they came back from their Iraq-Afghan deployments. 
These were folks 15-25 years younger than me, by that time. Only the rare and few 
had any semblance of that late 60's early 70's pre-induction ethos, in which I'd been 

The Tea Baggers I saw as that extension of the 'good old boy's' culture that had 
stuck close to their provincialism of their locale, since the economy needed their 
work. Once the China market opened up (highlighted by a store in an 
out-of-the-way region of Nebraska that had American flags, red-white-blue 
American exterior motif, and very much of their inventory we were surveying 
was MADE IN CHINA) it was rat-race individualism or subordinating yourself 
to being dependent on your employer-f/t or temp. Economic fodder, they 
(and we all) were. Under those conditions, I shouldn't have had such 
"great expectations" of find any, let alone people of the idealized, Woodstock mind 
set. At best, it was taking what pleasures they could by however capable they were, 
as their self-medication for the daily and weekly grind.

As My original hypothesis states, for many to most, Woodstock was just a marker, 
though significant, in their continuing self-indulgence of privilege, that crashed 
for many in 2008, as the expectations and promises which had fueled what I called 
their apostasy from the 'Fix-it or Forget-it' ethos came back by their and those 
w/whom they politically and culturally enabled and agreed hands as the fiduciary 
betrayal of the governing for the governed. That had morphed overtime to the point 
that those in charge couldn't be believed, let alone trusted-for good anecdotal reasons. 
With that mistrust and lack of faith, 'the tribe', whether family, locale, or other virtual 
associations replaced what I thought should have been my version of a 
'Woodstock ethos'. It was what it always was, a self-medicating indulgence to cope 
in demanding conditions of individual not altruistic means.                    
Even with the early deaths of both my parents before my 30th birthday, what they 
and their generation did to get through the Depression 30's and 'the War' to make-it, 
gave them a narrow focus which was restrictive w/we more materially privileged 
brats of convenience, and we, who had the luxury to want more than the trappings 
for which our parents had sought in their escape from the deprivations of the 
In fact, the revelatory dreams, along with serendipities and synchronicities that 
facilitated me out of some petite and grand misadventure eventually brought me 
kicking and screaming to the notion that there existed another path for me 
(and others) beyond the mundane-profane one that we "know as" reality    

Alrighty then I will take your word for it but I never took quantum physics 
in university so had a time navigating that comment LOL.

Take my blonde hair into consideration next post please lol.                                    
I'd have to give you the links that described the serendipities and synchroncities 
which changed my thinking about my socail and cultural relationship to 
contemporary events and people. This link drags on but gives several serendipities 
and synchronicities-!ApcspsqQAspIiRExqzlPiyAzPZYb .    
Even with the early deaths of both my parents before my 30th birthday, what they 
and their generation did to get through the Depression 30's and 'the War' to 
make-it, gave them a narrow focus which was restrictive w/we more materially 
privileged brats of convenience, and we, who had the luxury to want more than 
the trappings for which our parents had sought in their escape from the deprivations 
of the 20's-30's-40's.
They were conditioned to think that way, and were victims as well as the persecutors..
Our elementary school ran an 'Olympics' (Spring '60-'61) at the end of the year.. 
In 4th grade our class had enough talent to be "the Ruskis", and we lost to the 
5th or 6th grade class who were the "USA". One year later, our class was the 
Team to beat, and thus we we given the "USA" mantle. All was going as planned 
until the relay, during which we botched the hand-off and it made the 6pm local 
news!! Our 40-ish-50-ish teacher the next day berated us for her being so mortified 
over what happened to her status due to us... Crazy, irrational times.. The BOOM, 
culturally and politically, of the 60's was the much needed reaction to that kind of 

The BOOM, culturally and politically, of the 60's was the much needed reaction 
to that kind of mindset.

I'm utterly shocked that those sorts of practices could have gone on in a State school 
and engineered by a "professional".

Plenty of great people from the so called boomer generation . But they keep silent . 
And that's a loss    
They enjoyed the pleasures as their self-medication from not challenging the 
'pain-in-the ass' inconveniences and inequities created by assholes                     

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